3 Things Successful Diets Have In Common

Many people understand successful diets as a transitional process with a beginning and an end. However, those that are worthwhile are far from this concept. They offer something that goes far beyond a simple combination of foods, adapting to the individual situation of each patient. This is what makes them effective.

It is clear that having a good diet has a decisive impact on health. However, it is necessary to combine the dietary pattern with the practice of physical exercise on a regular basis, as well as with good rest patterns. In this way, the incidence of complex pathologies can be reduced.

Importance of a good diet

Proposing a good diet is one of the basic pillars to enjoy a consistent state of health and correct functionality. Through food we obtain all the essential nutrients so that the physiological reactions that take place in the body develop normally. In this way, inefficiencies that can condition the appearance of pathologies are avoided.

At the same time, a proper diet is capable of neutralizing the appearance of free radicals, toxic waste compounds resulting from metabolism. Their accumulation can increase the number of mutations at the cellular level, which affects the risk of suffering from degenerative diseases.

It is clear that an increase in reactive oxygen species in the tissues generates an inflammatory state that causes dysfunctions. This is confirmed by the investigations; for example the study published in the journal Antioxidants & Redox Signaling.

Woman celebrates the success of a diet to lose weight.

Things successful diets have in common

There are a number of points that successful diets have in common and that we are going to explain to you in detail. Keep in mind that there is no single suitable eating model, but several can generate positive results.

1. Successful diets are sustainable

Successful diets can be sustained over time. They do not propose a food restriction for a certain time and then return to the previous routine, but instead generate a change in habits that has a positive impact on the body.

An example of them would be intermittent fasting. Although it can be considered a protocol and not a diet, it is a tool that is introduced within the framework of nutrition and that generates a positive change in the medium term. There is scientific evidence to prove it.

In addition, it is a sustainable model. It does not generate anxiety and can be implemented on a regular basis without having a negative impact on health. Rather the complete opposite. It even manages to improve intestinal sensations, helping to feel less heavy .

2. They generate a progressive weight loss

A distinctive feature of miracle diets is that they promise rapid weight loss in a short period of time; something that is not possible in a healthy way. However, successful diets manage to establish a progressive oxidation of fats over the weeks, so that the adipose tissue is slowly reduced.

An example of a diet that achieves effective results on body composition is ketogenic. Although it is not indicated for everyone, those who have good adherence to it manage to reduce their fat percentage without starving. This is stated by research published in the Canadian Family Physician magazine .

Although the effects are not much more obvious than a well-balanced high-carbohydrate diet, it is more bearable, since it creates a greater feeling of satiety.

3. Successful diets do not restrict essential nutrients

Diets that limit the supply of essential nutrients are considered dangerous for health, since they can condition the functioning of the body. However, successful diets are never lacking in these substances. These meal plans make sure to provide all the micronutrients.

In this way, these kinds of guidelines do not usually require supplementation by default. It can be used, but not to cover a gap, but to generate added value.

Also, only through the consumption of food should all essential nutrients be provided in optimal amounts. This does not mean that increasing the intake of certain elements can bring advantages, but we would already be talking about ergogenic processes, that is, the improvement of sports performance through nutrition.

Nutritional supplement taken by a woman.

It is essential to propose successful diets that can be met

When looking for a change in lifestyle, being able to plan a successful diet can be a differential factor in order to generate a positive result. The first thing to be clear about is the need to set achievable goals and draw a complete and balanced plan.

Wanting to look for shortcuts usually carries a bad prognosis, since both weight loss and the search for health is the result of a set of good habits sustained over time. Changing your diet can be a good start, but always be sure to avoid miracle plans that offer dramatic changes in very short periods of time or with hardly any effort.

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