Almond Milk Consumption In Children: Benefits And Disadvantages

The use of almond milk in children is a new fad in the Western diet due to its ability to substitute for dairy. It is used as a liquid product in those who suffer from lactose intolerance. However, it is not suitable for everyone.

You have to know that milk is a good food that should not be substituted, unless there is a medical reason. Lactose intolerances have to be correctly diagnosed, otherwise a product of the diet capable of providing high-quality proteins and fats would be eliminated.

From what age can almond milk be consumed and why?

It is necessary to bear in mind that breast milk has proven to be the best food for children up to 6 months of age exclusively and up to 2 years as a supplement. It is important that the introduction of non-maternal products is gradual and that the pediatrician’s instructions are respected.

From a technical point of view, dried fruits can be introduced after 6 months of life, although it is recommended that said intake be carried out after chopping them to avoid choking. In this sense, in the sixth month, almond milk could already be introduced.

However, you have to be very careful with the almond milk product that you use. Many of them have added sugars in their composition, which reduces the nutritional value. It is clear that a regular intake of simple carbohydrates negatively affects the health of the child. This is evidenced by a study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenteerology and Nutrition.

Nut milks for children.

Benefits of almond milk consumption in children

Next we are going to tell you what are the benefits of consuming almond milk in children.

Reduced risk of allergies

The early introduction of almonds in the diet reduces the risk of developing allergies to nuts in later stages, which is positive. It should be noted that these foods have high-quality fats and proteins. In addition, they are capable of providing micro and phytonutrients.

An option for children allergic to cow’s milk proteins

In those children in whom it is not possible to introduce cow’s milk, due to allergic processes, almond milk is a great option. Obviously, breastfeeding must always be the priority.

However, if there is some type of limiting factor for breastfeeding itself, bottles can be prepared with these kinds of drinks. Thus, processes that increase inflammatory reactions are avoided.

Mineral contribution

As said, nuts are characterized by offering a complete supply of minerals, among which zinc stands out. This micronutrient is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the immune system, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients . This mineral influences the differentiation of the cells that make up the defense lines of the body.

Cells of the immune system.

Contraindications and disadvantages of almond milk consumption in children

We have already told you that breast milk is the best food for babies. Failing that, cow’s milk also has an interesting nutritional contribution. However, almond lacks protein and high-quality lipids, so it is deficient from the point of view of macronutrients.

In addition, some versions have high amounts of added sugars, which is detrimental to the metabolic health of the baby. In this sense, it is crucial to look at the labels to avoid ultra-processed ones capable of exerting a negative effect.

Keep in mind that, in the best of cases, the almond milk will be made up of a high amount of water with remains of the dried fruit, so we will obtain a rather insipid and not too beneficial product. Beyond the advantage that is generated by reducing the risk of developing allergies, there are other foods in the diet with higher quality.

Almond milk in children is an option for allergy sufferers

As we have explained, the consumption of almond milk in children makes sense to prevent the development of allergies and to avoid the consumption of cow’s milk in subjects who are intolerant or who develop autoimmune pathologies in the presence of its proteins.

It can be introduced from 6 months of age, although the preferred option will always be breastfeeding. This will be able to provide all the nutrients that the baby needs to develop properly.

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