How To Fight Against Oxidation In Veins And Arteries
Oxidation in veins and arteries is produced by the attack of free radicals. But also because of the inflammation caused by certain foods and unhealthy lifestyle habits.
In addition, there are agents that act as pro-oxidants, which are capable of increasing the risk of certain heart diseases, such as nicotine. Our diet, and even the atmosphere itself, with its usual levels of pollution, can also accelerate the oxidation of veins and arteries.
Does this mean that nothing can be done against the continuous attack of free radicals? It is clear that we cannot avoid the passage of time and the influence of these elements in our organism.
However, maintaining daily guidelines in our diet and following simple strategies can protect us in a very effective way. We invite you to discover them and put them into practice.
Consequences of arterial oxidation
Many times, being more or less vulnerable to the attack of free radicals depends on our own health. An organism accustomed to toxins from a diet high in fat, sugar or harmful materials derived from tobacco, will always feel the effects of oxidation to a greater degree.
Various investigations show us, for example, that oxidative stress produced by an increase in free radicals leads to a drop in nitric oxide, and that this causes an increase in blood pressure.
That is, we need to maintain an internal balance. If for obvious reasons it is no longer impossible for us to protect ourselves from the influence of environmental free radicals, it is not worth increasing our vulnerability through a poor diet, and through dangerous habits such as sedentary lifestyle or tobacco.
The effects of oxidation
To check the severity of what we are talking about, we give you a few examples of the consequences of arterial oxidation in our body:
- Arterial oxidation progressively produces an obstruction of the arteries of the heart. The risk of heart attack is very high.
- Furthermore, arterial oxidation generates inefficient blood circulation. Little by little, we will notice tingling in the legs, cold in the feet … The reason? The blood supply no longer reaches the lower extremities as adequately.
- Another fact that we must take into account is that arterial oxidation will also cause the blood not to flow optimally at the brain level. Over the years, there is a risk of dementia.
- Blood vessels become weak, no longer flexible, and aneurysms may develop.
- There is a fact that we should not forget either, something so common but at the same time as dangerous as that arterial oxidation will make our blood and our body less rich in nutrients.
- We store a high index of toxins and all this will cause inflammation and joint pain to appear.
Natural recipe to reduce arterial oxidation
There are many ways to prevent and fight arterial oxidation. Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits is essential, as well as including simple natural remedies in our diet that will come in handy. We invite you to try this recipe based on almonds and oats.
- 5 tablespoons of organic wholegrain oats (50 g)
- 6 almonds
- 1 glass of water (200 ml)
- 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
- If we wish, we can use instant oatmeal. In this case, we will use whole and organically grown oats. We will leave it to soak overnight and, the next day, we will remove the water and we will keep the oats to cook.
- Simply bring that glass of water to a boil and allow the oats to cook. Also add that tablespoon of honey and don’t stop stirring. Reservation.
- Now we will chop those 6 almonds well, and then mix them with our oatmeal and honey drink. Use the mixer, if desired, for a more homogeneous smoothie.
We can drink it for breakfast, it is a drink capable of strengthening our veins and arteries, protecting them from cellular oxidation.
Basic keys to fight against oxidation in veins and arteries
In addition to the drink that we have taught you to prepare, you can also put other tips into practice. They will help you prevent that dangerous arterial oxidation:
- Consume natural pomegranate juice and include an apple in your breakfast.
- Eliminate salt, white flour, sugar and all precooked foods or foods with many artificial preservatives from your diet.
- If you are a smoker, start fighting this dangerous habit.
- Increase the consumption of healthy fatty acids, such as those contained in olive oil, nuts or avocados.
- Increase the doses of vitamin B to fight against the oxidation of veins and arteries. You can get it through supplements sold in pharmacies or through all green vegetables. Regular consumption of probiotics also helps.
- Exercise every day, especially those that are aerobic and force you to start your heart, such as going for a walk.
- Avoid being overweight and do not forget to establish periodic reviews with your doctor.
The passage of time is inevitable, but it is in your power to help prevent premature oxidation of veins and arteries. Don’t wait to put these tips into practice.