Pregnancy is usually considered a state in women that usually involves joy and associated fears in the face of the unknown . If we add the concept of multiple pregnancy to that, these states multiply.
Many people consider a multiple pregnancy as a curious fact of great happiness, without thinking about the risks and consequences that can generate the same for both mother and child. Therefore, in this article we will assess some concepts that may be interesting when facing this type of pregnancy.
Characteristics of a multiple pregnancy
This publication from the National Collaborating Center for Women’s and Children’s Health (UK), titled Multiple Pregnancy: The Management of Twin and Triplet Pregnancies in the Antenatal Period , reports that a multiple pregnancy has higher risks of problems such as miscarriage , anemia, hypertensive disorders or preeclampsia , among others.
Due to what has just been mentioned, it also suggests that women who are in this state have more monitoring and contact with health professionals . This is not only in order to reduce risks, but to receive high-quality guidance. Let’s see, next, the main characteristics.
First trimester of pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy does not usually begin with great differences during the first trimester compared to a single pregnancy (a single baby). The suspicion of being pregnant appears when we have the presence of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). This fact usually leads to a pregnancy test obtained in a pharmacy or carried out in a laboratory.
A positive result directs us to seek an initial consultation with a midwife and gynecologist to begin a follow-up of the pregnancy. It is the first ultrasound when the doctor can detect the p RESENCE more than a gestational sac and thus, the diagnosis of a multiple pregnancy.
The best time to request a first ultrasound is after week 7 of pregnancy, counting from the date of the last period.
Last trimester of a multiple pregnancy
It is at this stage of pregnancy when the risks associated with multiple pregnancy increase , in addition to having greater intensity in the symptoms and discomfort derived from the pregnancy itself.
Back pain is considered one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of multiple pregnancies due to weight gain and change in body angle. The physical change associated with a pregnancy is very intense , and even more so when there is more than one baby in the uterine cavity.
Rest is affected by limited agility of movement. This is related to the increase in size of the abdomen and the difficulty in finding the right posture for rest.
The sensation of lack of air is associated with the pressure exerted by the upper part of the uterus on the lungs, thus reducing its ability to expand when ventilating. You can practice diaphragmatic or abdominal breaths to improve these symptoms.
When delivery approaches, most pregnant women have fears related to the way their children will be born . In the case of multiple pregnancy, cesarean section is most often thought of. Its practice is very common because, in most cases, the two babies do not present their heads down.
Causes of a multiple pregnancy
Usually, there are two main reasons why multiple pregnancy occurs.
On the one hand there is genetics . The family history, both maternal and paternal, in which there are cases of multiple pregnancy, increases the chances of its appearance. Because of that.
On the other hand, we must bear in mind the assisted reproduction treatments , as this indicates study published in the Las Condes Clinical Medical Journal . Nowadays, many people have to go to fertility clinics due to problems that are usually associated with seeking pregnancy at an advanced age.
Most frequent complications
When a woman has a multiple pregnancy, she has to be cared for by the high-risk service of the hospital where her pregnancy is being carried. The reason why they should be referred to this service is due to the increase in the frequency of appearance of complications associated with pregnancy . The most frequent are the following:
The appearance of arterial hypertension , as this article in the Cuban Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology points out . It is important to monitor the blood pressure of the pregnant woman in the last weeks of gestation. Due to the changes that the organism has, the appearance of it is very frequent. The gynecologist will assess whether it is necessary to request additional tests to detect complications of this condition.
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes , one of the most frequent complications during pregnancy, as shown in this publication of the Postgraduate Journal of the VIa Cátedra de Medicina . Around the 24th week of pregnancy, the O’Sullivan test is done. This test is used to be able to identify cases in which the body’s sugar levels are higher. Given this diagnosis, control with the hospital’s endocrinology service is required, in addition to continuing to be at high gestational risk.
Preterm or early delivery tends to occur more frequently in multiples. yes then, you should go to the emergency department if you get regular contractions. There they will be able to detect early and act according to the chart.
Multiple pregnancy requires good medical monitoring
Due to its special characteristics, multiple pregnancy should be monitored more carefully compared to a single pregnancy. In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the mother to minimize the risks of complications . In any case, it is essential to seek professional advice at the clinic or hospital or consult with a gynecologist for any questions that may arise.