Why Does The Cold Make Us Eat More?

When the cold of autumn arrives, it seems that the body does not ask to eat more. We forget about the diet and it causes us  something stronger, caloric and hot.

This need to eat a lot continues through the winter and only diminishes when spring temperatures rise. Why does the cold make us eat more?

Eat more when it’s cold

Eat more when it's cold

The same thing happens to most of us: short days, low temperatures, snow or rain and staying at home longer makes us eat more.

The need to eat more food is not only because we are bored, but because the body requires more calories to warm up, among other reasons.

We may think that the problem is “cold”, but that is not the only cause of our desire to eat more in winter.

How does the cold affect us?

It is true that the drop in temperature changes our habits but a large part of the organic needs change with the passing of the seasons.

To begin, we must bear in mind that natural light in autumn and winter is less than in spring and summer. The days are shorter and grayer.

What does that do to our body? An increase in the production of the hormone melatonin, responsible for lowering body temperature and, therefore, increasing the need to consume more calories.

A study conducted in Canada with people and animals, found that winter changes the functioning of hormones that affect appetite, such as glucocorticoids

In this way the metabolism is regulated and maintained at a normal 37 ° C.

Since both body and room temperatures drop, the effect is twofold.

This may be one of the reasons why, for example, when it is cold we decide on sweet things like cakes or pastries.

The body asks us for more food so as not to suffer from hypothermia, even if we are actually warm or in front of the heating.

Winter emotions make us eat more

Winter emotions make us eat more

If we add to these organic and external changes that we spend more time indoors in winter, our activities are reduced and  boredom takes over. .. we get hungry!

How many times have you gone to the kitchen and looked for food just because you had nothing better to do?

Inactivity leads us to eat more food. As it is cold it is difficult for us to choose a fruit or a salad. We prefer a stew, a coffee with milk or a cake with chocolate.

Another issue that we must consider is the fact that in winter we suffer what is known as seasonal affective disorder.

Not being able to go out with friends, seeing that it rains or snows, being locked up at home, leads to a feeling of anguish or nostalgia.

Apparently this only dissipates by eating and, of course, we better look for fatty, sugary or fried foods.

How to avoid eating more when it’s cold?

How to avoid eating more when it's cold

We can do nothing to change the seasons, but we can do the way we assume them.

Heating the home well or sheltering ourselves better can help avoid the urge to eat more because of the cold.

Nutritionist Lisa Young estimates that in winter we drink less water, and that also makes us eat more food, so she recommends drinking hot beverages, such as tea or lemon water.

“Trick” the stomach

As a first step, we recommend that you be smarter when making the purchase.

Don’t fill your cupboards or refrigerator with unhealthy items. Instead always have nuts on hand that can be eaten at the moment.

Dry pasta, lean cheese, or whole wheat or carob flour crackers can also be good options.

If you want something sweet, consume chocolate as pure as possible.

Do not forget the satiating and nutritious power that soups and broths have. They comfort you and, at the same time, raise your body temperature and fill your stomach.

A Yale University study shows that hot meals, and even a hot bath, make people feel happier.

Stay active

On the other hand, you should not think that the arrival of winter prohibits you from doing what you like.


You can go to the gym in the car, read, or meet your friends earlier than usual.

Learn about a concept known as ” Hygge ” and originally from Denmark.

The Danes are grateful for what they have, even if they spend several months at home due to the weather conditions.

They take advantage of this time to be with the family, do what they like, meditate, play with their children, etc. If you are busy and happy … you will eat less!

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